How to Trade Forex Within a Week For Very Little Cost
Becoming an expert in forex trading is easier and faster than
you think. If you follow our ideas you can also learn forex trading virtually
for free.
Getting a solid grounding in the basics first is vital if you're
to avoid finding yourself out of your depth with your forex education, and is
easy to achieve if you follow our simple guide to the who, what and where of
forex training.
If you've never traded in stocks, shares, commodities or indeed
forex, the mystical world of trading must at first seem very confusing indeed.
The internet is full of companies offering to help you learn
forex trading, but if you don't know your bulls from your bears how do you know
which forex course to begin with? Many forex courses are very expensive, and it
doesn't help that so many are sold by high pressure sales people.
It's fair to say that we stumbled our way through the learning
stage, and through luck rather than judgment happened to go to the right forex
training places in more or less the right order.
Along the way we certainly bumped into many less fortunate who
had inadvertently booked themselves onto an advanced forex trading course
before they knew the basics, and looked completely lost within the first 10
Here we'll try to help you avoid doing the same, and we'll tell
you from our own experience how and where to quickly learn to trade forex
without losing a fortune in the process.
Free forex training (virtually)
Let's begin by clarifying one key point - the principles needed
to learn currency trading are the same no matter whether you are trading stocks
and shares, commodities or forex.
If you have been on a technical analysis course that teaches you
how to read candlestick charts, to understand the fundamentals of support and
resistance, and a few indicators like MACD, RSI and moving averages etc - you
should then be able to trade anything, as forex technical analysis is no
In our experience trading courses fall into the following broad
• Free tutorials given by brokers (either live
or online)
• Free "complimentary" trading
seminars given by training companies
• "Learn to trade" general basics
courses (normally billed as stock trading courses)
• Specialist courses e.g. options, futures,
forex etc
Brokers - Most good brokers will provide some forex free trading
tutorials for their clients. Not surprisingly these forex training seminars
tend to focus on how to operate the broker's own software, but nonetheless
provide a good forex trading guide and are worth seeing. However, do not expect
to walk away from a broker's free forex training tutorial with expert knowledge
in how to trade profitably.
Free events -
Many of the training/education companies will introduce you to their services
with a Free "complimentary" forex training seminar. We can honestly
say that having attended several of these from various companies we've never
yet met anyone who walked away from one of these sessions having learnt very
much at all.
The sole purpose of these sessions is to introduce you to the
company and to sell you one of their forex trading courses, rather than to
teach you anything particularly useful. However, if you attend with your
expectations set at this level you won't be disappointed.
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